Monday, November 3, 2008

'I Sell The Dead' Isn't Getting The Hard Sell

For some reason this movie is slipping under the radar in Ireland (and pretty much everywhere else). OTo be fair, it hasn't been released yet but scarcely a word has been said about it, while any other minor Irish achievement gets guaranteed column inches and air time. It's called I Sell the Dead, it's a stylish horror comedy and it stars a hobbit and Hellboy! Okay it stars Ron Perlman and Dominic Monaghan but close enough. The main point to note is that it was written and directed by Irishman, Glen McQuaid.

McQuaid is a digital FX and compositing specialist who made a number of notable shorts before landing funding for this, his feature debut. Now we know there are Irish people like John Moore who have broken Hollywood via the world of commercials and are making a successful living as directors (or in some cases writers for hire) and there are some who enjoy success with Irish made films that allow them to take on Hollywood projects (Sheridan, Jordan et al) but McQuaid seems to be one of the first Irishmen to go straight to Hollywood with his own project and direct it himself.

It looks inventive and original, which is a nice way of saying it will be either bold and brilliant or awful and embarrassing. Let's hope it gets proper backing and a serious release in America either way.

One acknowledgement: We say Hollywood, but we realise this is more of an independent picture and was apparently primarily made out of New York but we mean Hollywood in the general sense of that abstract world where the magic happens, cocaine flows like water and dead hookers are never a problem, as opposed to the world of Irish film where even a hot lunch for the crew is a problem.

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