You may remember that we reported that this year Jeffrey Katzenberg, CEO of Dreamworks planned to start charging $5 extra for the 'privilege' of seeing 3D movies in your cinema, beginning later in the year with Monsters V's Aliens. Well Cineworld have decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth and have already begun to charge up to €5.30 extra into 3D films.
According To Katzenberg, they want to charge extra because it cost them extra to make. Even though, the reason they are spending that money in the first place is to provide an extra attraction that will bring punters into the cinema and make them bucket loads of money. Consider this analogy. If a studio spends $20 million on Tom Cruise's salary are we going to be charged an extra $5 for the privilege of seeing the flick? No! Studio's (perhaps incorrectly in the case of Cruise) assume that the attraction of Cruise will bring audiences in and pay for his salary and make them a bucket load of money to spend on coke and hookers. If a movie spends extra money on an expensive action sequence are we going to be charged extra for the privilege of seeing it? Of course not. 15 year old boys will go see the movie for the very reason that it includes said badass action sequence. The same should hold true for 3D.
Cineworld may argue that we are paying for the technology in cinemas. Funny I don't remember ticket prices being raised by over 50% when sound, colour, technicolour, widescreen, panorama, digital projection or any other development was brought upon us.If it had, we'd now be paying 50 quid for a ticket. These things were done to attract audiences and they did. This is the thin end of the wedge folks. You could maybe justify a euro/dollar extra for the price of the glasses...maybe but as a Welshman more articulate than myself once said, if you tolerate this, your children will be next.
We say this pointedly and loudly. We will not go to a single 3D movie where the price is increased. The boycott starts here. Spread the word and speak up if you've anything to say on the matter.
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